Accounting department

895 Departments 27.05.24 07:51 Print

Shukurova Saodat Yuldashevna - Chief Accountant.

Composition of the Accounting Department: 3 employees: Chief Accountant, Accountant-Treasurer -1, Accountant - 1.

Main functions of the accounting department:

Primary accounting - collection, processing of acts, invoices, business contracts, customs documents;

Maintenance of accounting registers reflecting operations in the organisation's schemes;

Accounting of fixed assets, write-off, amortisation, participation in inventory reserves;

Accounting of origin and expenditure of inventories;

Accounting of transactions with domestic and foreign buyers, registration of invoices and other related documents;

Mutual settlements with suppliers and contractors, collection, archiving and storage of financial documents;

Cash operations, work with banks, including execution and accounting of payment documents;

Calculation of wages, control over payment of wages, providing management with analytical materials on the activities of the organisation;

Formation of tax base, submission of tax and statistical reporting;

Calculation of prices for work and services of the organisation, long-term planning (drawing up a business plan).


Contact us:

Tel: 71 230-71-31 (internal number 102)