Department for certification

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Product Certification Body


Composition of the Product Certification Body:


·        Hamidova Asel Anarbayevna – Head of department

·        Deputy Head - 1;

·        Specialist of the 1st category - 2;

·        Specialist of the 2nd category - 2;

·        Specialist – 2;

·        Intern – 2.

General Information

LLC “DORI VOSITALARINI STANDARTLASH ILMIY MARKAZI”offers services for assessing the conformity of products to the requirements of the National Certification System of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Product Certification Body of LLC “DORI VOSITALARINI STANDARTLASH ILMIY MARKAZI”is an accredited conformity assessment body (registration number O’ZAK.MS.0105 in the state register) and has independent legal status, as well as financial and administrative independence from manufacturers (suppliers) and consumers of products.

The certification body operates on a full self-financing and self-sufficiency basis. Certification services are provided based on contracts with applicants, the legal force of which is conditioned by bilateral agreements, corresponding to the requirements of the O’z DSt ISO/IEC 17065:2015 standard, in particular, clause 4.1.2 "Certification Agreement."

The Product Certification Body of LLC “DORI VOSITALARINI STANDARTLASH ILMIY MARKAZI” is entitled to insure its activities to fulfill obligations arising in the course of work.

The applicant can apply for product certification through the "Single Window" system (, attaching the necessary documents.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Certification of Products and Services," certification can be mandatory and voluntary.


1.     Mandatory certification:Confirms the safety of products in accordance with legislative        requirements in the field of technical regulation.

2.     Voluntary certification is carried out at the initiative of the manufacturer.

Certification work results in obtaining a certificate of conformity.



The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 43 “On the approval of lists of conformity assessment objects subject to mandatory conformity confirmation in the Republic of Uzbekistan” specifies the list of products subject to mandatory certification.

The requirements for regulatory documents used in product certification (excluding pharmaceutical products), as well as the timelines for completing certification work, are determined in “On Amendments and Additions to the Product Certification Rules,” registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 15.05.2023 Reg. No. 1458-6.

The requirements for regulatory documents used in the certification of pharmaceutical products, as well as the timelines for completing certification work, are determined in “On the Approval of Rules for the Certification of Pharmaceutical Products,” registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 12.09.2022 Reg. No. 3386.

Certification Schemes

The product certification body uses certification schemes corresponding to the following regulatory documents:

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 15.05.2023 Reg. No. 1458-6 “On Amendments and Additions to the Product Certification Rules.”

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12.09.2022 Reg. No. 3386 “On the Approval of Rules for the Certification of Pharmaceutical Products.”

The product certification body at  LLC “DORI VOSITALARINI STANDARTLASH ILMIY MARKAZI” applies certificationschemesNo. 7 andNo. 2 in its activities, as established in “On Amendments and Additions to the Product Certification Rules,” 

 Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 15.05.2023 Reg. No. 1458-6, and in “On the Approval of Rules for the Certification of Pharmaceutical Products,” registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 12.09.2022 Reg. No. 3386.

Certification schemes include:

Scheme No. 7- is used for the certification of a batch of products and involves product testing.

Scheme No. 2- is used for the certification of a batch of medical products and involves product testing.

SchemeNo 7: Product Certification Procedure (excluding pharmaceutical products):

In its quality management system, product certification includes the following:

1.     Submission and review of the application.

2.     Analysis of regulatory documents and accompanying documents.

3.     Decision on the application.

4.     Preparation and approval of the testing program.

5.     Identification, sampling, and delivery of samples to the laboratory.

6.     Testing of samples in an accredited laboratory. ( ATL)

7.     Analysis of test results and issuance (or refusal) of the certificate of conformity.

8.     Registration of certificates of conformity in the state register.

Steps for certification under scheme 2 (for pharmaceutical products):

1.     Acceptance of the certification application.

2.     Decision on the application.

3.     Approval of the testing program.

4.     Identification and sampling of pharmaceutical products.

5.     Testing of samples in the laboratory.

6.     Analysis of documents (provided by the applicant and collected during the certification process).

7.     Issuance of the certificate of conformity.

8.     Registration of the certificate of conformity in the state register.

For the certification of imported products, the following documents must be provided:

• A sample label or product information.

To obtain a certificate of conformity for manufactured products, the following documents

must be attached to the application:

• A copy of the regulatory document for the manufactured product;

• A sample product marking (product information).

Certificate of conformity:• For imported products – valid for the shelf life of the product.

Complaint and Appeal Procedure:In case of disagreement with the certification results, the interested party has the right to appeal to the Appeals Council of the "Uzstandard" Agency or directly to the court.

LLC “DORI VOSITALARINI STANDARTLASH ILMIY MARKAZI” considers complaints according to the procedure established in the document DP QMS-06:2024 (Procedure for Handling Complaints and Appeals).

Certification Body must prepare and provide the following information upon request by the applicant:

  • A list of types of products subject to mandatory certification, or an excerpt from this list;
  • Certification rules for products in accordance with the certification body's scope of accreditation;
  • Price list (tariffs) for certification services;
  • Accreditation certificate issued by the “DORI VOSITALARINI STANDARTLASH ILMIY MARKAZI” LLC.


Rights and obligations of the customer:

  • • The Applicant is obliged to comply with the rules established by the National Certification System of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the requirements of "O’z DSt ISO/IEC 17065:2015," and the requirements of other regulatory and legislative documents.

    • The Applicant determines the certification requirements in accordance with the scope of accreditation and type of product.

     • The Applicant does not use product certification in a way that damages the reputation of the certification body and does not make any statements about product certification that the body considers incorrect or misleading.

    • In the event of suspension, cancellation, or termination of certification, the Applicant ceases using all advertising materials containing references to certification and takes all actions required by the certification scheme (e.g., returning certification documents), as well as other necessary measures.

     • Copies of certification documents provided to other parties must be complete or in the form specified by the certification scheme.

    • When referring to product certification in the media, such as documents, brochures, or advertising materials, the Applicant must comply with the requirements established by the certification body or the certification scheme.

     • The Applicant takes into account all known complaints concerning compliance with certification requirements and provides them upon official request to the certification body: - Takes appropriate measures regarding any deficiencies found in products that have impacted the fulfillment of certification requirements; - Documents their actions and, in the presence of complaints, provides reports to the certification body.

    • The Applicant promptly informs the certification body of any changes that may affect their ability to meet certification requirements: - Changes in legal, commercial, or organizational status or ownership form; - Changes in organization and management (e.g., changes in top management, decision-makers, or technical personnel); - Changes in product or production methods; - Changes in contact information and production location.

    • The Applicant is fully responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the submitted documents and for ensuring that the documents comply with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    • The Applicant is responsible for the proper transportation and storage during the sale of certified products.


    • For failure to fulfill or properly execute obligations, the "Applicant" bears responsibility as provided by the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Contractual and Legal Framework for the Activities of Economic Entities."

    • The applicant is responsible for providing falsified documents.

    • In case of failure to comply with the contract terms, without prior notice to the applicant, the product certificate will be annulled, and relevant organizations will be notified accordingly.

Suspension, cancellation, or termination of certification

The certification body must make a decision on the application of appropriate measures in case of non-compliance with certification requirements identified during an audit or in other cases. The appropriate measures may include the following:

 a) Ensuring the authenticity of certification in accordance with the conditions established by the certification body (e.g., enhanced control);

b) Reducing the scope of certification to exclude non-compliant products;

c) Suspension of certification until the client eliminates non-compliance;

 d) Cancellation of certification.

If certification is terminated (at the customer's request), the certificate of conformity is suspended or canceled, the certification body must take appropriate measures and make all necessary changes to the official certification documents, public data, and agreements on the right to use the conformity mark. In case of reducing the scope of the certificate, the certification body must take appropriate measures and make all necessary changes to the official certification documents, public data, and agreements on the right to use the conformity mark.

The certification body must clearly and accurately specify information about the certificate in the certification documents and public data. If the certificate is suspended, the certification body must notify the client and appoint one or more individuals to perform the following actions:

  • Ensure the authenticity of the certificate in accordance with the certification scheme;
  • Perform any other actions. These employees must be qualified in all aspects of working with suspended certificates. If the validity period of the certificate is resumed after suspension, the certification body must make all necessary changes to the official certification documents, public data, and agreements on the right to use the conformity mark to indicate that the product in question continues to be certified. If the decision to reduce the scope of the certificate is based on the condition of confirming its authenticity, the certification body must make all necessary changes to the official certification documents, public data, and agreements on the right to use the conformity mark. It is necessary to clearly specify information about the certificate in the certification documents and public data. Examples of changes:
  • Changes in legal, commercial, organizational status, or ownership form;
  • Changes in organization and management (e.g., changes in top management, decision-makers, or technical personnel);
  • Changes in the product or its production method;
  • Changes in contact information and production location;
  • Significant changes in the quality management system. List of laboratories involved in conducting tests:
  • State Institution "Center for Pharmaceutical Product Safety";
  • Branch "Samarkand Center for Expertise and Standardization of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and Medical Equipment";
  • Branch "Kashkadarya Center for Expertise and Standardization of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and Medical Equipment";
  • Branch "Andijan Center for Expertise and Standardization of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and Medical Equipment";
  • LLC "Tash-Lab Agency";
  • LLC "Center for Pharmaceutical Innovations";
  • Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being and Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Main Department of Sanitary Control of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • LLC "Alliance Standard Group".

Legislative and regulatory framework:

  • Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Technical Regulation";
  • Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Medicines and Pharmaceutical Activities";
  • Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 43 dated January 30, 2021 "On approval of the lists of objects of conformity assessment subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity in the Republic of Uzbekistan";
  • Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 318 dated July 6, 2004 "On additional measures to simplify the procedures for product certification";
  • General Technical Regulation "On the Safety of Medicines" (UzTR.365-009:2016), approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 365 dated October 27, 2016;
  • "Rules for the certification of pharmaceutical products" (Registration AV dated 12.09.2022 No. 3386);
  • "On approval of the rules for the payment of works and services in the National Certification System of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (Registration AV dated 11.10.2013 No. 2516).
  • Contacts:
  • Tel .: 71 230-71-31 (internal number: 111)\
  •          33 102 48 88

Publicly available information in the field of product certification